Dexco leverages positive social impacts, encourages networking and prioritizes initiatives in regions where it operates, especially those that are in a situation of social vulnerability, through its Private Social Investment. With this resource, we seek to develop the municipalities in which we operate, selecting projects that include these regions. We also want to respond to community demands, identified through the active listening process or mapped by local Social Organizations. In all sponsored projects, we seek to value the local culture and population, seeking professionals, artists, educators and regional partners for the initiatives. The programs are monitored periodically, through meetings, conversations and whenever possible, local visits.

Learn more about our sponsored initiatives in 2023

Dexco has fostered and contributed to social development through its Private Social Investment, giving products away, sponsoring projects through tax incentive laws, and entering into institutional partnerships.  

Dexco’s Social Investment is aligned with our Sustainability Strategy, Our Way to Be and Do Things, and our company’s purpose.

Check out the 2023 Project Results here.



Dexco understands that positive impacts on society must be combined with well-defined strategies, so that they are assertive and effective. However, in many situations, specific interventions are necessary, through donations. To this end, Dexco has established an internal Standard that regulates donations of its products or purchased goods, to meet specific needs.

The Social Responsibility area (ESG Management team) manages donations, ensuring compliance with the criteria and verifying that donations were properly implemented.

Since 2020, priority has been given to donations for actions to combat Covid-19, as you can see here.

In 2022, the amount of donations reached R$ 883,300.66, in market value of Dexco products or goods acquired by the Company, benefiting 23 institutions and 19 municipalities. We also carried out, by Caetex, a donation of wood for an event for rural producers.


Sponsorships, in turn, aim to encourage local social initiatives, based on projects and programs that generate a positive impact and promote social transformation. For this, we use the tax incentive laws (Federal and State).

The Company’s priority areas of action are: education, culture, health, environment and housing. Our goal is to operate in all municipalities where we operate and establish connections with the main social projects aligned with the strategy, with more assertive investment and efficient management.

The selected projects are evaluated as follows:

  • Index of social vulnerability in the region;
  • Social themes identified in the dialogues;
  • Relevant causes: health, education, environment, culture and housing;
  • Target audience: children and teenagers;
  • Evaluation of results / expected impact of each project;
  • Organization’s ability to execute;
  • Coherence and clarity of the proposal;
  • Adherence to Dexco’s ESG Strategy.
Submit your Project

We support projects through tax incentive Federal and State Law aligned with Dexco’s Corporate responsibility guidelines and the Sustainability Strategy. All projects are analyzed and receive feedback.
*Page available only in Portuguese, as we only receive Brazilian projects due to current legislation.

Register your project here!


Project selection process

Dexco’s website / Conversation roundtables


Pre-defined criteria and premises


Documental and Reputational


Executive Committee and Sustainability Committee


Sponsor agreement drafting and execution


Communicate approved proposals, monitor and manage projects


We believe creating a network of partnerships is essential, since complex problems cannot be solved without engaging several stakeholders. Therefore, Dexco creates institutional partnerships that resonate with our goals and seek sustainable development, promotion of knowledge and education, value diversity, and fight child sexual exploitation.

Social initiatives sponsored since 2018 here!

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