Dexco acknowledges how important it is for companies to take a leading role in fighting climate change and believes a low-carbon economy is the way to go. We continuously strive to improve our production processes, seeking to decrease our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), reducing the proportion of fossil fuel use in our energy matrix, and engaging players in our value chain.

To this end, our main initiatives are related to the use of energy from renewable sources and eco-efficiency in production processes. Replacing fossil fuels with biomass as a source of thermal power is one of the initiatives the most contributed to our goal.

Our efforts to collaborate with the global decarbonization movement are ongoing. We are a company with a positive carbon balance, which means that, through our forests units, we capture more carbon from the atmosphere than we emit on our operations.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

To account for annual GHG emissions, we follow the guidelines of the Greenhouse Gases Protocol (GHG Protocol), the main reference for quantifying corporate emissions.

Since 2013, we have reported our GHG inventories verified by a third party in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program, attesting to the transparency in reporting our emissions. We also assess and report the inventory of agricultural emissions and removals from our forest areas.

In addition to removing carbon from the atmosphere, we are committed to continually reducing GHG emissions from our activities and promoting advances towards a low-carbon economy.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets

Our GHG reduction targets are scientifically grounded, with decarbonizing levels that consider a lower than 2°C global temperature increase in relation to pre-industrial times.

In addition to emission reduction targets, we also commit to liquid removal targets that will make Dexco continue to produce a positive impact regarding climate changes. To learn more about the scope and assumptions of our goals described below, click here.

Tax on Carbon Emissions

In Colombia, we run Dexco’s Carvi – Carbon Bonus for Life. Our forests in the country capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and we have already produced a bonus of more than 950K tons of CO².

That amount equals what has been emitted for 14 days by all vehicles driving around the metropolitan area of Valle de Aburrá, Colombia’s second largest city.

These results have earned us the Icontec Forestry Compensation Certificate, making the initiative Colombia’s largest GHG forestry compensation program.

Commitment to a Low Carbon Economy

We have continually improved our climate change management thanks to studies and partnerships that allow us to identify business risks and opportunities. Climate change management has been continuously evolving at Dexco, through studies and partnerships that allow us to identify risks and opportunities in our businesses. Since 2012, we have been responding to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire and obtained a B grade in the 2022 cycle. Click here to access our questionnaire responses for 2023.

We performed a comprehensive diagnosis on the company’s greenhouse gas emission history, reviewing our corporate and agricultural inventory, as well as practices put in place by companies that set the benchmark for this theme, market trends and demands regarding climate change (ISE, Dow Jones, and CDP), associated laws and agreements (like the Paris Agreement), among others.

We also mapped* out climate risks and opportunities, in accordance with the TCFD framework, designing an action plan to go ahead with adherence. Learn more.*

*Documents available only in Portuguese.